Sunday, March 29, 2020

Portland Learn Computer Programming Tutor

Portland Learn Computer Programming TutorA Portland Learn Computer Programing Tutor can be of great help to a programmer who has a hard time keeping their current job. By offering education for many hours for a low price, these tutors are able to help out programmers keep their job and provide them with the training needed in order to get a new one.They can also be of great help to people who work part time and need to improve their skills at home. This is especially true for students who are taking courses online in order to help them gain the necessary skills needed for a job. It is much easier to take one of these online classes than to go and take a full course at your local college or university.Many companies, especially large ones, use a Learning Course as a tool to help develop employees and even teach them how to work in their company. Many people that are not ready for an open position are given this chance and will be paid a higher salary, as they already have some skills that employers look for. As a result, this learning opportunity is beneficial to those trying to stay current and advance in their career.An LCA is a type of computer technology that is used by programming professionals to teach people the basics of the programs. Those that do not want to spend a lot of money on a training class may prefer to try the classes on their own. The training time is usually available through companies that provide the software. While there are differences between the different programs, the majority of them do the same basic thing, which is to teach the programmer how to write code and how to program the hardware used to make computers.The LCA classes are usually scheduled in the evenings, on weekdays or the weekends. The programmer needs to be prepared by reviewing the material the night before, when it is typically late. The morning, however, will includea time for study, which may be from noon to two hours.The class usually consists of a written assignm ent, quizzes, a final exam, and a test. Those wanting to go to school for an LCA usually have to take all of the above in order to graduate. Although this is easier than taking a traditional class, it is still an excellent way to learn the software.The Portland Learn Computer Programing Tutor has something to offer everybody. There are classes for anyone that wants to learn the software and is willing to pay for it. They are also for those that are just taking a refresher class so that they can finish up on their own.Those that learn by the book are also able to benefit from the LCA classes. This is because they will have a set amount of time for the tutor to answer any questions that the student may have, and can sign up for the tutor only once they are finished with the course. However, if a person decides to continue their studies after the classes are over, they can always continue through the Portland Learn Computer Programing Tutor to become more educated.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Attacks on Teachers has reached shocking levels - Tutor Hunt Blog

Attacks on Teachers has reached shocking levels Attacks on Teachers has reached shocking levels Attacks on Teachers has reached shocking levelsSchoolsIt seems barely a week can pass without another school shooting in America - and while we may think ourselves lucky that our children are not under such risk of violence in their places of study, we should be aware that UK classrooms can still be a dangerous place, for both pupils and teachers. The Labor force survey, conducted by the office for national statistics, investigates the employment circumstances of the UK population. In a recently published major study it questioned 40,000 UK residents, asking them about any work related injuries - specifically those injuries relating to an assault. The study lasted six years, covering the period between 2009 and 2015 - and its results were shocking. It found that there were on average 8000 attacks per year in primary and secondary schools - actual attacks that were severe enough that the teacher was required to report them. The GMB (General and Municipal Workers) trade union instigated its own survey in 2016, specifically focussing on support staff - ; and the results depicted a dismal account of violence against teachers in schools. An astonishing 54% of teaching assistants said they have been physically assaulted or abused, with one in ten saying they are on average assaulted once a month. 9% list a single assault per term, and 17% said they have been assaulted in the past year. Almost 25% of support teachers also said that they are verbally abused by pupils at least once a week. Some of the specific cases make for disturbing reading, with staff saying they have been punched and kicked, and even strangled in class; other teachers said they have had all kinds of projectiles, including tables and chairs, thrown at them. 29% of support staff say they have been injured by pupils, and 21% said it has had a detrimental effect on their working life. One teacher, who wished to remain anonymous, told of the ongoing fear they live with after being assaulted by a child in school: `I was extremely shocked and frightened and feel emotionally exhausted - I am very worried this child will attempt to attack me again. I have said I don`t want the child anywhere near me.` Imagine an administrative job, or a position in any well known bank or other private sector position, where more than one in five of the staff said workplace violence was having a determent ail effect on their ability to perform their tasks. Such a shocking statistic would be rightfully decried as unacceptable - it would be classed as a scandal, and the company in which such atrocities took place would be excoriated in the press. Because these widespread misdemeanours are occurring in schools though, little notice seems to be given to them. There are also unsettling signs that this problem is only getting worse, with figures revealed under the Freedom of Information Act showing that across the whole of the UK there has been a 50% increase reported to the police between 2014 and 2016. Karen Leonard, a national officer for the GMB said `No one should have to put up with being attacked while at work and our members are no different. The results of this survey make truly disturbing reading, with teaching assistants, caretakers, lunchtime supervisors and more experiencing shocking levels of violence. Many are left with terrible mental and physical scars. GMB demands a zero-tolerance approach to violence in schools with proper, reliable support systems in place for those who do experience it.` I have heard stories from friends of mine, teachers working in London and other cities in the UK, who tell me they are often afraid to even restrain a pupil who is attacking them, so severe could be the repercussions. In the litigious society we live in caution and restraint must be the mantras for teachers in the classroom, whatever the violence of the situation. The Department of Education attempted to address this issue, recently saying a `tough but proportionate` response by teachers when faced with violence were acceptable. `This government has taken decisive action to put teachers back in charge of the classroom by giving them the powers they need to tackle poor behaviour and discipline, and has scrapped `no touch` rules that stopped teachers removing disruptive pupils from classrooms. Teachers and school staff have a right to feel safe while doing their jobs, and violence towards them is completely unacceptable.` 24 months ago0Add a Comment

5 Ways to Make a Biography Report Fun - by TutorNerds

5 Ways to Make a Biography Report Fun - by TutorNerds Orange County English Tutoring Tips: 5 ways to make a biography report fun Most elementary school kids will write a biography of a historical figure at some point during the year. This is an important assignment that teaches kids many lessons including the difference between fiction and non-fiction reading, history, political science, civil rights movements, and so on. However, some biography reports can be dry in that kids are reading about facts and dates rather than immersing themselves in a fiction story about intrigue an adventure. However, there are some ways to make a biography report fun and exciting and also help a student learn about the importance of the figure assigned to them get a high grade on your biography report with the help of Orange County English tutoring from TutorNerds. 1.   Choose a person youre interested in Usually, students get to choose from a few different historical figures when writing a biography. Most students wont know too much about their choices until they pick one and get started. Unfortunately, sometimes the person they chose is not especially interesting to them for one reason or another, and they lose interest in the assignment altogether. Its worth it to help kids do a little bit of preliminary research on their different choices so they can choose to write about someone they think is cool. This can make the assignment more fun overall and help encourage the student to be independent and research on their own. 2. Gather age-appropriate resources There are several resources available geared especially towards elementary school students that use language and vocabulary they can understand. Also, these resources often condense complicated information into smaller paragraphs. When researching, students often find material that is meant for an older audience, which can make it harder to understand. School libraries and websites recommended by the classroom teacher can be helpful for these types of assignments. Parents can also help kids look for visual resources that give them an idea of what it was like to live in the period and country of the subject. 3. Add a creative element Most teachers will allow students to draw a picture of the subject of their biography or even of an imaginary setting from the time the person lived. Sometimes this is a required part of the assignment, but more often than not its extra credit, which is why many students dont do it. However, adding a creative element can help maintain the interest of a younger student and give them a well-rounded educational experience. Additionally, a little bit of extra credit can always be helpful to keep a student’s GPA high at any age. 4. Ask why Most students already know about the five Ws â€" who, what, when, where, and why â€" but the most important one to focus on is the last. Students should be asking themselves why a person did what they did, why did they react in a certain way, why did they become famous or infamous? When students ask why it sparks their mind to dig deeper and think about the situation at hand (READ: 5 Tips for Success in English). 5. Understand the context If a student is writing about somebody who lived a long time ago, they might not yet understand the context in which the person lived. Something thats not a big deal today might have been a really important contribution 100 or 200 years ago. What is commonplace in modern times might have been unique when the person was living. It’s helpful if students at this age can learn context from a parent or tutor before they get into all of the details of a biography assignment. Whether you’re in high school or college, do well in your English classes with the help of private Orange County English tutoring from TutorNerds. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Know If Youre Being Paid Fairly

How to Know If You're Being Paid Fairly Image via Know Your Worth Tool by Glassdoor website This tool is extremely useful in finding out if you’re being paid fairly or not. All you have to do is create an account with Glassdoor by entering a valid email address. Next, the website will ask for the name of your employer, your current job position, and your current salary. After verifying your email address, you’ll be able to see if you’re being paid fairly by going over the graphs that will appear on your screen. The tool will let you know what the average pay of workers with your experience is and how much you’re being paid. If you’re being underpaid (or overpaid), the Know Your Worth tool will let you know exactly by how much. Everything is based on pay estimates from job postings on their website, especially of positions that are close to the location you entered. Ask Your Employer Directly If you don’t feel like dealing with technology, you could ask your employer directly about your pay. Catch them at an opportune time and politely ask how you’ve been doing at your job. Ask if you’re doing a better job than the last employee and if that employee was being paid as much as you are now. If the timing is right, and you know you’re being underpaid, you can ask for a raise. Be sure to list out the reasons why you know you deserve a raise from the company. If you’re a hard worker and have brought numerous positive changes to the company, don’t be afraid to let them know it. If you know that someone with your education and years of experience would be getting paid more elsewhere, let them know this precisely. If you have the evidence to prove it, you can directly confront not being paid fairly and work together with your employer to remedy the situation. Keep an Eye on the Job Market Even if you’re currently employed, you should always keep your eye on the job market, particularly on jobs that are similar to your own. If you see posts for entry-level jobs offering to pay new hires more than you’re making now, there might be an issue with how much you’re being paid. This is especially true if you see an abundance of job postings that list their pay a being far more (or even a few dollars more) than what you’re making now. Consider Your Job Performance Are you an excellent worker? Are you praised constantly by your employer and customers for the great service you give? Do you feel like you accomplish a lot every day at your job? If so, you’re most likely a wonderful asset to the company.  If you’re doing a great job and still notice that you don’t seem to be making as much money as you should be, then you are being paid unfairly. Speak with your boss and kindly voice your concerns. On the other hand, if you’re slacking at work and not putting all of your skills on the table, your employer might not feel inclined to pay you as much as others in your same position. Make sure you are doing the best you can at your job so you know that you have earned every dollar you receive. If you’ve been looking at the job market and noticed that your salary isn’t adding up, it could be a sign that you’re being paid unfairly. After following these steps through, carefully consider your next options. Your best option might be to move to a job that will pay you fairly.

What Is Ground State In Chemistry?

What Is Ground State In Chemistry?Ground state in chemistry refers to the chemical composition of a substance in its natural state. The most common substances that fall into this category are foods, drugs, paints, and gasoline. If you're curious about how well your school has prepared you for your classes, ask yourself: Have you been reading the instruction manual or the tests?Hydrogen is in the first state because it is a gas. It is used in all kinds of ways. For example, this gas can be reacted with oxygen to form water or carbon dioxide. Other gas states include nitrogen, argon, krypton, neon, krypton gas, neon gas, argon gas, krypton gas, argon plasma, neon plasma, and neon plasma.In some ways, a list of some of the more popular reactions seems to have many people confused. However, if you were to look at a large list of chemical reactions, such as the Sun and Oxygen, you would see that all of these are in the first state of being. Nitrogen is almost always in this second state s ince it is used as a strong acid and even helps keep water in solution.Hydrogen, on the other hand, is in the last state. You may notice that when you read the instruction manual that you never hear about how to react with the hydrogen molecule to create electricity, so that is one of the most fundamental molecules in the periodic table.Hydrogen has been found to be important in the production of fire. It also is responsible for the reaction that creates water. In the second state of being, hydrogen is not stable.If you are wondering about the way you study chemistry, you will learn the proper definition of hydrogen in the next section. It is easy to answer the question: What is ground state in chemistry?The word nitrogen means something that is soft or gas. In the chemical reaction to make water, water molecules in the gases of nitrogen combine with oxygen molecules to form water.

A Quick Look at the Chemistry Definition

A Quick Look at the Chemistry DefinitionIn this article, I want to discuss a more general chemistry definition and talk about shielding. There are a few types of shielding:The first is the material that actually absorbs or reflects the radiation from the object. This type of shielding is typically metal or polymer. The second is called chemical or physical shielding.Chemical shielding is formed by reacting one substance with another. In this case, you could use a chemical like chloroform and an alkali like sodium hydroxide. If the chlorine reacts with the sodium hydroxide, it will block out the ultraviolet radiation which has a higher energy than the infrared radiation. In this case, you have just created a solid-like shield that can be used for many other purposes.Magnetic shielding is caused by either conducting magnetic fields or with magnetic fields. So in this case, the material that is used will be the conductor and the object that is being shielded will have the opposite field strength which will prevent any harmful electromagnetic radiation from reaching it.Materials that are used for shielding include ceramics, metals, plastics, ceramics, glass, and other silicates. The most commonly used for shielding are ceramics because they are able to form the strongest shielding barrier and the easiest to produce. It is also very durable and can be molded to almost any shape.Technology is constantly changing and it is important to understand the changes and adjust the technology. One of the most common problems that are commonly caused by shielding is radiation sickness. Some people get nausea, vomiting, or headaches when they are exposed to high levels of radiation. Even a small increase in radiation can cause major health problems if the shielding technology is not modified.So in conclusion, shielding is a relatively new term but is also used widely in the field of science. There are many other forms of shielding and we will look at them in the future articles.

My Experience at Boston University

My Experience at Boston University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Brendan is a Seattle tutor and 2012 graduate of Boston University. He holds a Bachelors degree in Mathematics and tutors several subjects, specializing inGeometry tutoring, GRE Quantitative prep tutoring, and Music Theory tutoring. Check out what Brendan had to say about his time at Boston University: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Brendan: Boston University is one of the best examples of an urban campus. The campus is almost fully integrated into a two-mile stretch of Commonwealth Avenue, a major street in Bostons Back Bay neighborhood. The campus is fairly safe for an urban school, but the neighborhood where most students live when they move off-campus can be a little rough. The worst thing that you usually have to contend with is burglaries, but we did hear of the occasional mugging over the campus safety alert system. The dorms, on the other hand, are very safe and centrally located. The subway runs along Commonwealth Avenue, and there are several city buses that go through campus, as well. Boston University also has its own shuttle bus service that is free to students. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Brendan:Boston Universityis a very large school, so there is a lot of variability in the availability of professors and staff. In my department, Mathematics, professors made themselves very available to students. The advisers were extremely helpful, and the teaching assistants were always around and willing to help. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Brendan:Boston University has a great social culture. There are tons of student organizations and on-campus events. My dorm for the first two years of college was a brownstone filled with students from the School of Music. There is an entire street of small brownstone-style dorms, as well as a few larger complexes, so there are good options for people who want more privacy or more of a community feel. The dining halls had pretty good food for a college setting, and there were plenty of restaurants all over campus. Being right in the city also made it very easy to explore Boston and to go out on the weekends. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Brendan:Boston University has pretty good support for all its majors. In particular, I noticed that there is a great International Relations program, and good departments for Education and Business, as well. I studied Mathematics, but I had a second major in Music. The College of Arts and Sciences made it very easy to pursue whatever classes and majors interested you. I chose Mathematics and Music because they are my two favorite subjects. Both majors were very well supported, and Boston University has a particularly good Mathematics department. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Brendan:Boston Universitywas a great place for meeting new people. I loved the atmosphere on campus, and I met many lifelong friends in my first few months. I did not get involved in Greek life, but the school does have a vibrant Greek community. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Brendan:I did not make much use of the Career Center aside from planning for graduate school. Regardless, my experience with the Career Center staff was always positive and helpful. Boston University does have a number of good recruitment events. I know because I worked in the office that helped schedule them. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Brendan:Boston University has great facilities overall, but the library can get crowded around finals, and the student union gets very busy around lunch time. That being said, the university puts a lot of money into the development and expansion of campus facilities. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Brendan:Boston is an awesome city, and there are tons of college students and young professionals, which makes it a very fun place to go to school. Students generally vary a lot on whether they stay on campus or go out into the city. I preferred to go out, especially to Cambridge, which is across the river. There is so much culture and activity in the city. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Brendan:If I remember correctly, the student body is upwards of 30,000 people when you include graduate students. As a result, introductory classes can often be very large. However, most of my upper-level classes were actually pretty small. That may have had to do with my choice of majors, but I was generally pleased with class sizes. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Brendan:My favorite experience was doing a presentation for a music history class. I got up in front of the class and played the introduction to Rhapsody in Blue on guitar. Boston Universityis such a big school that you are bound to end up in some unconventional academic situations, and that makes it a really fun place to study. Check out Brendans tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.